Sunday, March 21, 2010

In the face of expert diagnosis, a person often has to decide how to proceed. There is the natural tendency to follow expert advice, because that is what we are expected to do. On the other hand, there are natural tendencies that pop by way of a second, if more primitive opinion, that things, ailments and discomforts have a natural way of healing without intervention.


I went to consult with a barber
She said,
‘How long ago did you wash your hair?
There’s layers of soot and rot
Crusts of matter
To cover the scalp
Plenty of dandruff
Merges with this stuff
And look here
There’s traces of nits
And their begetter
Sucking into your grey matter
Man, doesn’t it ever grate or scratch?
Are your nerve endings numb
Or have they stopped to respond?
See, says he,
In such cases,
Some sort of surgery
Is necessary
I’ll grate beneath the follicles
And erase your outer scalp
You got a 70 to 20 chance
That you might grow a decent
Head again…’
As I walked back home
Through the garden
I saw nightingale with a bald head
She said:
Do not be the prisoner of fads;
Play not with your head
Stay the course
And the spring rains
Will cleanse your head


Ali H. Raddaoui. Laramie, WY. Spring 2010

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your nightingale is right,let mother Nature take care of repairs!
I like the way the poem evolves.
The beginning sounds somewhat tense, full of negative images and metaphores.Towards the end, however, the tension is alleviated and the mood soothed with the appearance of the nightingale and her metaphoric suggested remedy.That's what this poem revealed to me.
A masterpiece indeed!
A masterpiece, indeed!