Saturday, December 21, 2019


Indeed I am no three am-er
Type of guy
But last Saturday, or was it last summer
Pain spikes were more severe
Than a screwdriver could bear
I called my dentist, Miss Overa, 
She was, I guess, sound asleep
She could hardly hear 
The torture in my cords.
She came nonetheless
Within half an hour
With a needle, a gauze 
And something of a plier
And lo and behold
Pulled out my middle-upper tooth
In as little as a quarter of an hour
Truth is, I am all the wiser for it
And best of all,
The pain subsided within the hour.
Other than the gaping socket,
The impact, I felt, 
Was rather insignificant
Except that it left me
Thpeaking with a lithp. 

Sunday, October 20, 2019


The head mechanic's guillotine
Where my car engine is hanging
Is hanging my car engine by the head
Its bolts and nuts, seals, and joints
Interspersed all around
Its apertures agape
Bleeding dead lubricants.
With his hand of iron
The head mechanic securely framed by the right hand
Is firmly securing
The center-slanting iron carcass
Into new middle ground.
Said she before he got
The chop-ahead sign
"You know, iron brother,
I can't make head or hose of us
But why bother to comprehend
The local structure of the act
Where the means justify the end;
Dispose of me wherever
You deem fit to
Dispose of yourself:
We are both expendable".

Saturday, October 19, 2019


With the palm of your hands
Amidst the cries of seagulls
and the deafening thunder
You could barely holler  
Your voice lost in the brouhaha.
I paddled my way to you
Despite the tumult
And against practice
I reached out
And by any measures
I delivered…
As the scribe later penned the bond
The waves and the clouds and the moon far up
Bore witness to our deed
Only to realize
Ten cycles later
It was mere theater
To be replayed
On other random stages.

Ali H. Raddaoui

Saturday, August 10, 2019


I asked a small bird
Barely a few weeks old
A novice still at wing fluttering
And water diving
Who migrated from
His hatching place up north
In the mountains and trees
Ever humming the song of birth
Where home was.

"Wherever I roam is my home"
He said, panting,
Awkwardly palming
Behind the flock.
"Every sport,
- Liquid or rock -
And wherever a birds' eye view is caught
Is a nest I cherish
And an instant where I flourish
I know of nothing
You call jet lag
I'm all the time zones of the world
I've been and will be to.

The one spot
I wanna rot
Is the one
Where I was hatched."

Saturday, August 3, 2019


Rappelle-toi Céleste
Des contrées qu’on a traversées
Entre le nord et le sud-est
Des collines qu’on a grimpées
À la recherche d’un instant
Des amonts sous lesquels
Nous avons tous les deux édifié un recours
Des mots qu’on a tissés de part et d’autre
De nos rencontres
L’eau qu’on s’est partagée
Au milieu du désert
Rappelle-toi Céleste
Ne me dis pas que le temps est plus fort
Que la vie à des manières inédites
D’éteindre les murmures
De faire ensevelir les mémoires
D’enterrer les pistils et les fleurs
Céleste, chérie;
Jette un coup d’oeil sur le trajet
Qui sait quel serait son concours
Pour toi, et pour les images
Qu’on a peintes sur la toile de ce parcours
Qui est le nôtre
Quand j’étale le bagage que nous portions
Tous les deux, l’un et l’autre
Ses couleurs, ses refrains, ses odeurs
Ses promesses et ses lueurs
J’aperçois un soupçon de ce qui fut.
Merci tout de même pour les mots
Les gouttes d’eau, les traversées
Et les mémoires
Au revoir.

Monday, July 29, 2019


What on earth overtook those clouds
Happily fluttering in the sky
On this special summer day
And wrapping the heights near and far
And stroking with their sea breeze
The landscape all around
And the twenty-seven trees
Shading this abode in the middle of nowhere
So much so that the skylarks
Thought it early autumn
And went a-fetching twigs and sticks
From last summer’s crops
To build their nests
And prepare for mating
Come December...
Whatever overtook
Those clouds
Fizzling out in the heat of the day
Without a moment’s notice?

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Venue: Higher Institute for Applied Studies in Humanities of Tunis, Tunisia
Occasion: 2nd International Conference on Truth and (Mis)Information
Language: English
Date: 04/12/2019
Length: 0:45. Size:
Media Type: mp4 (please scroll down below the summary to view)

Summary: How knowledge is constructed and whose truth is received have always constituted the focus of human endeavor in the fields of social sciences as elsewhere. However, the proliferation of knowledge-making paradigms, now accelerated by ease of publication and dissemination on cyberspace, has yielded a state of extreme relativization and erosion of what was traditionally canonized as truth and knowledge. The current landscape amounts to a collapse of the knowledge cartel and calls for an examination of the status quo, in order to theorize it and to delineate the lines of corrective or preemptive action. This presentation starts off by identifying and explaining the traditional rivalries between two major cannons of knowledge production, namely the scientific and interpretive paradigms. The next step will be the description and analysis of the effects of the technologically-mediated, web-based, social-media paradigm on the domain of knowledge construction. Preliminary analysis reveals a host of gains emanating from this paradigm shift, with attributes of democratization of de-commodification of knowledge assets, and an evening of the playing field allowing more users to contribute their versions of reality. A more sinister take on this shift will be described as one leading the academy, society, and the world into a state of chaos obtaining from lack of distinction between what truth and knowledge are, and what they are not. The final leg of the presentation suggests the lines of action which can be initiated by individuals and institutions to offset the effects of the coming destabilization and loss of meaning.  

Keywords: Knowledge, Truth, Post-Truth, paradigm shift, social media


Whoever said
One should envision
Sisyphus merry
Rolling the rock
Back to the top
Of the Rockies
Week in week out
Can go
Eat schist.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Zenith Is

No bleach of whatever make
Will make the Zenith fizzle into decay
Now that the day is nearly done
And the figures of the evening
Are seeping into the night coming.
Tomorrow at dawn,
The new day will stand
In no pump and circumstance
And shed away yesterday’s fluff
--Small talk of food and perfume
Fashion and fret and whatever else--
Over what was coughed out
Or implied
On the way up the lift
To whatever floor
And departure through the backdoor.
As always though,
The centerpiece
Will remain
What it is.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

To William Carlos Williams

I ate them
The apples which I had put away
In my travel bag
The night before.
Soothe to say
Both were sweet
Though one sweeter than the other
The other still sweet
With an aftertaste of je ne sais quoi
That lingers
And gnaws into my taste buds
Long after the journey is done. 

Ali H. Raddaoui


On Grand Street of Montenegro Town
Evergreens come and go
After a fashion of alignment
Calculated from before inception time.
They slip into the rear view mirror
And out into oblivion.
On Grand Street of Montenegro Town
This olive tree stands tall
Her foliage slanted
Toward the end point of the horizon.
On the ground, underneath
The breeze jazzes with the bushes
And buzzes with the bees
And pats the wings of humming birds.
Underneath the trunk
Her roots dig into the ground
Sink toward the four corners
And seep into this Midwestern soil
As the branches up above
Wave good bye to the passerby.
I acknowledge the foliage
And wave back
Not knowing whether
I will wind back there
In this life or another.

Ali H. Raddaoui