I decided to make for the
Ali H. Raddaoui
On top of the Rockies.
I left at dawn.
The Mountain was a blueprint
On a backdrop of umber
Perforated from afar
By the hues of the sun.
At thirty odd miles of walk
I looked up,
There was the peak
At an acute angle of head raising
Chirping, calling, beckoning:
“Come over, O, my little Candid,
I got manna for you,
Unseen by human eye,
And distilled extractions
Brewing for generations.
I got too a crystal cap,
An observatory of the heretofore
And a stream to the hereafter.”
But the net was hurled,
Fog outraced me from aback and around;
I couldn’t see the way forward,
And prosaic voices drew me back.
Ali H. Raddaoui